Tuesday, January 30, 2007

After the party it's the After Party and.... (sorry that was gay)

So after multiple PBR's and Sapporo's and dicking around, stomachs were definitely NOT happy. We trekked it down a couple of blocks to Basic, where quite possibly, I had, hands down, the best pizza I've ever had in my life! Although, there aren't pics, and it may sound funny, but mashed potato pizza is only the best thing ever! If you're in the area, definitely try to make it over to Basic on the corner of 10th and J street and thank me later. But enough about food-- we'll leave that one to Rickey. It was all about the after party and everyone that was able to tough it out the whole ASR/Agenda weekend, made it out in full force. The place got packed pretty quick and entrance to the venue bottle-necked as presumed. Even the pre-requisite drunk altercation took place later in the evening. Nothing caps off an event like a drunken mishap. Now onto the party pics!

Sooo good....

Sal, Yukio, and the man of the hour- Alyasha

Fucken lightweight!!

Here comes trouble-- Torin and Sean

Run for the hills!!

Mark on deck....

Chad, Chris and Sean (photo hog)

Awww so cute-- Connie and Daniel

The Brothers Irons minus one...

Nick, friend, Diz and Teran (2BG)

Spayde, maybe feeling not so happy.... if you run into this man-- ask him for his home-brewed beer

An awesome moment-- because of said altercation earlier, security would not let anyone in or out-- for NO damn reason! Here's Eric displaying his disappointment with the situation with a kook bouncer-- classic!

Finally stepping outside, I run into Mr. Jon Phenom and Rickey

Keith and Irwin soaking it up

Flo doing his best holler...

Yah that's an emerald bitch! And that's all folks... you stay classy san diego.... thanks for stopping by.... but more-- stay classy san diego.... thanks for stopping by....... stay classy.... thanks for stopping by..... you go back to your home on WHORE ISLAND!


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